In today’s modern way of life it has become unimaginable to live without computers. Thus a vast majority of people spend a lot of time working in front of one. People who work in the offices can spend up to 10 hours sitting in front of the computer, without paying any attention to their inadequate body posture, due to their concentration on the job they are doing on the computer.
Poor body posture can cause a variety of health problems, such as: strong pain in the neck, shoulders, back, arms, hands, and even in the fingers. In some cases it can also cause deterioration of eyesight, followed by a headache. Furthermore, these health problems can become even more serious and they can lead to diseases, if you don’t start taking proper care of yourself and your body. Constant repetitions of the same movements are the real sources of pain, since our body can not regenerate the damaged tissues due to this.
Although you can not reduce the amount of hours spent in front of the computer, experts suggest to follow these advice:
- make a couple of short breaks during working hours in order to relax the muscles and joints
- try doing some exercises
- maintain proper body posture while sitting in front of the computer
- it is desirable to use additional equipment or devices that will ease the pain, like for example Donnerberg mesh back support.

How to sit properly at a computer desk
Proper sitting posture requires holding your back straight, while at the same time touching lower part of the chair with lumbar spine. Your feet should be flat on the floor in level with lower legs.

Proper position of the arms and hands
It is recommendable to keep your arms close to your body in order not to overload your body with demanding arm movements. Place your elbows on the desk and bent them in the angle of about 90 degrees.
Proper typing position
Keep your hands in the neutral, natural position and try to avoid sudden movements which would activate the wrists. It is desirable to move the mouse using your whole hand, not just the wrist of the hand.

Proper position of the head and neck
The top of the screen should be in level with your eyes when the body is in upright position. Your monitor should be about arm’s length away when sitting back in your chair. Do not tilt your neck or put it in the wrong position. On the contrary, you should gently move it from up to down while typing.
Neck massage
One of the efficient solutions for overcoming neck aches and pains caused by improper sitting posture is massage. It might improve blood circulation in the organism. We also offer the solution for this problem: Donnerberg shiatsu massager can help you pamper yourself with 15 minutes of relaxing and enjoyable massage. You will feel more productive and provide necessary rest to your body.
Correct your body posture and take care of your health while your problems are still harmless. A healthy way of life leads to improvements of health and mood as well as personal satisfaction, which presents a unique feeling for everyone.